Teaching Process

Detailed Lesson plans are prepared before the start of a semester.

• Implementation of the teaching process is recorded in a Teaching Diary on a day- to-day basis. 

• A fortnightly review is held at the department level to monitor the progress of the syllabus coverage and if any problems are observed, immediate corrective actions are initiated.

• Feedback obtained from the students at the end of a semester is used to evaluate every staff member. The FCI measures the performance of a staff member along the dimensions of academic effectiveness, discipline and attitude. This index as well as raw feedback data if required is utilized to plan improvements in the effectiveness of the staff members. 


The Proctor System consists of a Chief Proctor as the coordinator at the level of the Institute, Deputy Chief Proctors as the coordinators at the level of departments and individual staff members as the proctors.

• Each proctor is made responsible for a small group of students. The proctor closely monitors the progress of students under his/her care and helps them in overcoming their problems, academic as well as personal, to achieve better performance.

• Information regarding the performance of the students is regularly communicated to their parents and further, the parents are encouraged to meet the proctors regularly to discuss the progress and problems of their wards.